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EnBW is the market leader among German e-mobility providers. In the future, they want to increase the attractivity of their charging locations and thereby strengthen the acceptance of e-mobility. Together, we conducted intensive user research and developed digital services for the charging experience of the future.

Service Design for a better Experience at Fast Charging Hubs
App Design for a better Experience at Fast Charging Hubs
Mobile App design for better charging experience for e-mobility

User Research

In addition to personal interviews at the POS, digital surveys have been issued at charging stations throughout Germany in cooperation with the platform for electro­mobility &Charge. For the first time, EnBW integrated processes to collect targeted data at specific POS.

User Research for enhancing user experience in electro mobilitySurvey for creating a service design conceptSurvey for creating a service design concept

Service Design

Based on the results of the survey, different concepts for digital services near the highway were developed and qualitatively evaluated. Subsequently, the favorite was elaborated and a business case was created.

Design methods for creating innovative design conceptsInterface design for mobile AppInterface design for mobile App

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